❤️ Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Share Your Recognition Message on Linkedin

This article provides details on sharing the recognitions you've received on LinkedIn.

From the home page, open the My Awards tile from the right side of the screen.

Image: JobPts application - Home Page

Open one of the recognition messages you've received.

Image: JobPts application - My Awards

In the recognition details, click on the LinkedIn Share button.

Image: JobPts application - Received Recognition details

You can select one of the three available options on how the image should be generated. 

  • Personalized eCard Design 
  • Corporate Design Certificates 
  • NFT Photo - This option is available only if you've first minted an NFT for your received recognition. You can see how to mint an NFT in our detailed article here

Before publishing the post on Linkedin, you can edit the post message which will be shared on Linkedin.

Image: JobPts application - Linkedin Publish Post

The confirmation pop-up below will be displayed: 

Image: JobPts application - Confirmation pop-up window

Below are examples of posts published on Linkedin: 

Image: JobPts application - Linkedin post with NFT image


Image: JobPts application - Linkedin Post with eCard image

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