๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป HR Expert Experience
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Recognition Pending Approval

Learn how to manage pending recognitions.

Managers can review all pending recognition through the Admin Center. Log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side menu, click on Programs and then on Workflow Overview.

Login -> Admin Center -> Programs -> Workflow Overview

Pending approval

Image: JobPts application - Workflow Overview

On the screen, based on the filtering options, you can check all the awards pending to be approved/rejected. It is possible to filter by:

  • Program name โ€“ a dropdown menu of programs with the option to select the one with the pending approvals.
  • Country โ€“ dropdown menu from which you can select the status in a certain country for a review.
  • Approverโ€™s name โ€“ allows you to search the pending awards based on the person who needs to approve them.
  • Date from and Date to โ€“ filters the time span during which all pending transactions are presented.

pending approval 1

Image: JobPts application - Workflow Overview

When you select the Search button, results are listed. There are several important information, such as:

  • Award from โ€“ who sends the award
  • Award to โ€“ who receives the award
  • Program name โ€“ what is the name of the program
  • Award value โ€“ what is the value of the monetary award
  • Transaction date โ€“ date of the transaction
  • 1st level approver โ€“ approver on the 1st level who needs to approve/reject
  • 2nd level approver โ€“ approver on the 2nd level who needs to approve/reject
  • Days waiting โ€“ how many days the award is waiting to be approved/rejected
  • Last modified by โ€“ notifies if any modification was done and who did it
  • Last modified date โ€“ the date of the last modification.

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