🔗 Integrations

Usage Satisfaction Report

In this article, we'll guide you on how to access the usage satisfaction report.

To access the report, first navigate to:

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Adoption Reports-> Usage Satisfaction 


Image: JobPts application - Usage Satisfaction

Filters in the Report

The following filters are available in the report to help refine the data:

  • Search User - text field to search for a specific user.
  • Users Sentiment: options include Detractors, Neutral, and Ambassadors, with 'All' being listed by default.
  • Respondent Status: options include Respondent and Non-Respondents.
  • Date From: The default date is set to the first of the current month.
  • Date Until: The default date is set to today's date.

Report Columns

The report includes the following columns:

  • Full Name - the full name of the employee.
  • Username - the username of the employee.
  • Response Status - indicates whether the employee is a Respondent (those who provided at least a star rating) or a Non-Respondent (those who clicked 'Not Now' without providing any rating).
  • Feedback Date - the date when the feedback was requested. 
  • Initial Feedback Rating - Non-Respondents are marked as N/A. Respondents rate from 1 to 5 based on their input.
  • Initial Feedback Comment - The initial comment provided by the user.
  • Sentiment: The sentiment of the feedback, categorized as Ambassador, Neutral, or Detractor.

    The exported excel file contains details for: full name, username, country, response status, feedback date, initial feedback rating, feedback comment & sentiment.

    This new report provides a detailed overview of user satisfaction feedback, enabling better understanding and analysis of user sentiments and responses.

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