👕 Swag Items

Manual Insert for Service Swag Anniversaries

On this article, we'll provide a detailed guide on how to process service swag anniversary orders and manage failed transactions. 

 To access the page, navigate to:

Admin Center > Celebrations > Manual Insert For Swag Anniversaries 

On the top of the page, start by clicking on the Anniversary Receiver button. 

manual insert swag

Image: JobPts app - Manual Insert for Swag Anniversaries

Enter the name of the recipient. 


Image: JobPts app - Select Recipient

After selecting a user, the view will transition to one where the admin can input the recipient's address. By default, the selected user's address will be presented, though the admin retains the option to make any necessary edits.


Image: JobPts app - Recipient Address Details

After making edits, click 'Submit' to save changes


Image: JobPts app - Processing Order

Under the Anniversary details section, select the number of years of service. 

Click 'Process Order' after selecting YoS. Validate the order, and if successful, an alert will appear: "Swag item sent successfully! For status details, refer to the Swag Items Report."

By following these steps, administrators can efficiently use this feature to manually process service swag anniversary orders and manage the entire transaction process effectively.

The second half of the page displays a table of failed orders. This section is visible only when there is at least one failed order for any location. 

manual insert swag

Image: JobPts app - Failed Orders 

In the Action column next to each failed order, there is a Process Order button.

Clicking the Process Order button allows administrators to manually process an order that has previously failed. If the order can be resent to the swag system, a modal for entering the shipping address will appear. If successful, the order will be resent to the swag system. 

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