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Access Profile Info

This article will help you learn how to set up and modify your profile information.

In this article:

It is important that the data and settings in Profile info are accurate.

As an extension of SuccessFactors, JobPts will retrieve employee data from SuccessFactors in the Profile Info section. However, users can always change personal information to make sure it is up to date, and nothing is missing.

Log in to JobPts -> Click User Image -> My Profile

On the homepage of the platform, click on the User Profile field in the top right corner and on the pop-up menu, select the My Profile section: 

Image: JobPts application - User Image, Profile Info

Personalize the settings in the new My Profile window. Three tabs are available within the My Profile: Overview, Settings and Help & Support.


  • The Overview tab displays a comprehensive list of all notifications sent to the logged-in user. You can easily sort these notifications based on whether they have been 'Read' or 'Unread'.
  • Search box should search parameters such as Program name and User from which notification was received. 
  • On the left side panel you are able to see:
    • Full Name of the logged user - (Milestone badge will appear only if Milestone is turned on in System settings);
    • Job Title of the logged user;
    • Points - (the total number of points should be calculated into the local currency of the user); 
    • Top 5 Appreciators - Your top 5 appreciators is list of appreciators that recognized you the most;
    • Top 5 Most Recognized colleagues - Displaying the employees who have been recognized the most by you;
    • Chart of Your Received Awards - a chart of all types of awards received for the logged user, including non-monetary, monetary, nominations, earn points, celebrations;
    • Your Engagement Index; 

JobPts - My Profile

Image: JobPts application - Overview tab


  • Account Details
    • General Information - Account Email, Organization Unit, Username, Approver, Second Approver.
    • Address - visible if any of the following options is activated in system settings (amazon, swag up, custom products).

Image: JobPts application - Account Details

  • Application Settings
    • Application language (the available languages for the logged user)
    • Date format (EU format & US format)
    • First day of the week (Select between Sunday & Monday)
    • Welcome Slider - If checked, you won't see the welcome slider when opening the application.
    • Exclusion from Anniversaries - If anniversary is active under System settings and Celebration tile is added.
    • Exclusion from Birthdays - If birthday is active under System settings and Celebration tile is added.
    • Exclusion from Leaderboard - If Leaderboard is enabled from Admin Center and Leaderboard tile is added.
    • Exclusion from Moments that matter - If Moments that matter is active under System settings and Celebration tile is added.
    • Exclusion from Point-Based Rewards - you will be excluded from monetary awards list and will not receive point-based rewards, such as service anniversaries, nominations and campaigns.
    • Exclusion from Social Wall - By selecting this option, it means that the user has excluded himself from the social wall and the posts where he is a receiver won't be visible on the social wall. This is for all posts for which there is automatic approval. This option will be enabled only for social feed configuration. For tile based view, this option will not be visible. 
    • Exclusion from Emails - This checkbox enables users to control their email preferences. If checked, no emails will be sent to the user, allowing them to opt out of email communications entirely.

*Note: If you opt out of any of the above options, the individual attempting to send you the corresponding message will not be able to locate you on the list of available recipients.

JobPts - My Profile Application

Image: JobPts application - Application Settings
  • Notification Settings
    • Social Feed Notifications-> if checked, notifications from all actions taken on your published social feed posts will be displayed.
    • Recognition Notifications-> if checked, notifications will be shown for all recognitions sent to you, your team, and your organization. As a manager, you'll receive notifications whenever your employees are recognized on the platform. Additionally, you'll be alerted to any pending approval requests that require your attention.
    • Nomination Notifications-> if checked, you will receive notifications when you are nominated either individually or as part of a team. As a manager, you'll be notified whenever one of your employees is nominated on the platform. Additionally, you'll receive alerts for any approval requests that require your attention.
    • Nomination Information-> if checked, you will receive notifications if you are assigned a role in a nomination program. This includes roles such as nominator, nominee, voter, or approver.
    • Campaigns Notifications-> if checked, you will receive notifications regarding your participation in ongoing peer-to-peer campaigns, subsidy campaigns and corporate health initiatives.
    • Celebration Notifications-> if checked, notifications about your team colleagues when they have an upcoming celebration like anniversary or birthday will be displayed.
    • Feedback Notifications-> if checked, notifications if someone gave you a feedback, or asked you to provide a feedback will be displayed.

JobPts - My Profile Notifications
Image: JobPts application - Notification Settings

  • Proxy Settings
    • Enable Proxy Access -  if checked, you can designate another user to act on your behalf. You will need to inform the colleague whom you intend to authorize for this privilege.

Image: JobPts application - Proxy Settings

Help & Support

    • Support Tickets 
      • You have the option to submit a ticket directly from this page, just like you would if you submitted it through the support tile.

*Note: You'll find all your submitted tickets, along with their messages and dates, on the right-hand side of the screen.

Image: JobPts application - Support Tickets

Image: JobPts application - Learn more


If this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.