๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ Employee Experience
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Share Communications

This article explains the use of the sharing functionality

Sharing communications comes in handy when you want to re-send the communication to other people. Instead of creating the same communication again, the share functionality allows you to send it to other people with ease. 

There are two ways of sharing a communication: 

Forwarding a communication 

To forward a communication, you first have to open the Nurture employee app, and then click on the โ€œshareโ€ button on the communication that you want to share, and then click on Forward e-mail 

Image: Nurture employee application

Then a pop-up window will appear where you have to select the user/s you want this communication to be forwarded to with the ability to write an optional comment. Then to send it, click on โ€œsend e-mailโ€

Image: Nurture application โ€“ Share communication


It is easy to spot a forwarded communication, they have the word โ€œrecommendedโ€ in front of them. 
Forwarded communications will appear in โ€œMy corporate communicationsโ€ and in โ€œNew communications for youโ€. 

Image: Nurture application โ€“ Share communication

If a communication is forwarded to you, you can still press like or write comments, reply and edit as if you were one of the original recipients. Apart from that, you also have the option to forward this communication to other people following the before mentioned method.


Sending a link for the communication 

This functionality is limited to: 

  • People that already have the communication 
  • People that the communication has been forwarded to 

To use this functionality, you have to click on the โ€œshareโ€ button, then click on โ€œCopy to clipboard".
After clicking on โ€œCopy to clipboardโ€ a pop-up message will appear saying that it has been successfully copied. Then you can safely paste the link to whoever needs it 

Image: Nurture application - Home page

Note: Only people with access to this communication can open the link. 


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