๐Ÿ‘ Change Mgmt and Adoption
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How to Simplify Change Management?

To simplify change management, we make sure these four elements are always addressed

Neuroscience shows that the complexity of change evokes a threat response. To overcome this instinctual reaction, change management must break down change so that it seems simple for stakeholders.  The brain can only process a few concepts at once, so it is the job of change managers to help people make sense of a complex change by communicating and implementing it in a way that is easy to understand.

Now we have covered lot of ground in how we can align and plan the design and delivery of the program in the previous sections.  Big focus during the project will be placed on:

  • Develop and train the administrators, people managers, key stakeholders and team members to build the change mgmt capability and resilience
  • Communication planning, execution and delivery with clear, consistent and constant communication
  • Metrics and dashboards where we measure impact and iterate on the insights with improvements.

We consider an approach where first we would train the administrators on how to manage the platform. Then we would organize training for the managers with all the platform specifics related to userโ€™s and managerโ€™s experience. Then our expectation is that managers will assist with the user enablement utilizing all details within the customized user guides and material that our Customer Success team will create. Such user guides and other micro learning assets will provide visual guidance on accomplishing all scenarios end-to-end with each step described visually with screenshots and short GIFs.  Here is a simple example list of what we offer:

End Users

  • Instructional and inspirational videos
  • Customized end-user guide
  • Knowledge base articles

Managers and Administrators

  • Instructional and inspirational videos
  • Customized manager and admin guides
  • Consulting and coaching
  • Knowledge base articles

Our support continues with suggesting a schedule, aligning the audience and also the creative for internal communication. Huge percentage of the success belongs to internal communication when R&R programs are deployed, especially when existing programs are replaced with different medium for providing them. Thus, it is important to know how, when and to whom communication needs to be made. We will support you in analyzing, segmenting, and targeting the right audience at the right time and keeping them informed all the way through.  

We can confidently ensure a fair adoption of the new recognition program in about 8-12 weeks.  Based on the agreed strategic plan for educating, we do have the ability to customize specific content for our customers.

Video: Customer example of a launch video for a nomination program via our chatbot

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