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Submit User Satisfaction Feedback

Depending on how your application is configured, your administrators may request you to provide a short user satisfaction feedback to rate the services provided by the application.

This feedback is crucial for improving the overall user experience and ensuring that the application meets your needs effectively.

When to Expect the action:

You will receive the prompt below after performing certain actions, such as:

  • Recognizing a colleague for their efforts.
  • Nominating a colleague for an award.
  • Participating in a voting process.
  • Sending a celebration message.

Your Opinion Matters!

After completing any of the actions mentioned above, you will encounter a prompt displayed in the screenshot below. This prompt will lead you through a brief set of questions intended to gather your feedback and satisfaction level.

Image: JobPts application - Satisfaction Survey

  • If a user chooses "Not now" without providing feedback, they will be marked as Non-Respondent. Users who have added at least a star rating are considered Respondents.

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