✅ Transactional Reports

Subsidy Invoice Report

Report of all Subsidy Invoices issued.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Subsidy Invoice Report

This report provides information about all enrolled employees within the company's subsidy campaigns. Subsidy campaigns are independent of the points distribution and directly add monetary refund to employee wage; thus this report is only available here.

Several Filter options are available to get the desired results:

  • Choose Campaign,
  • Country,
  • Org unit; and
  • Date from - Date until.

Image: JobPts application - Subsidy Invoice Report

Additionally, the following information are presented within the report:

  • Full Name,
  • Username,
  • Org Unit - for the user that enrolled in the selected subsidy campaign.
  • Subsidy Points - is the requested value converted in points and currency subsidized for the user.
  • Transaction Date - is the date of the submission for the subsidy campaign.
  • Invoice Date - is when the user's expense occurred (value added by the user on submission).
  • Invoice Amount - provides the total amount of the user's invoice.
  • Payout Amount - is the total amount subsidized to the user.
  • Currency,
  • Country - represent the local currency and location of the user.
  • Attachment - option to download and preview of the Invoice file to validate the expense.

To generate the report enter the desired filters and click search. The report will be generated below.

The Export to Excel button helps export the results in an Excel file.

Image: JobPts application - Subsidy Invoice Report

*Note: This report is only generated here, and there is no related data to subsidy campaigns in other reports.


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