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Understand the Team-based Setup

Dynamic or ad-hoc teams are the new way how organizations will deliver agility and performance in a sustainable way

The nature of work has been shifting considerably over the last several years. Among these changes are not only how projects and teams are structured but also how and when performance feedback is captured. Organizations are rapidly evolving from traditional hierarchies to cross-matrixed structures with more flexible, networked teams in an effort to adapt and innovate faster. These teams are often project-based, highly-collaborative, and intentionally designed to solve complex problems in a relatively short amount of time. Upon project completion, teams typically reconfigure to focus on the next big thing or disband. 

However, as stated in Deloitteโ€™s Global Human Capital Trends report, most organizations have not evolved their performance management practices to account for the shift from traditional, functional hierarchies to team-centric and network-based structures. As a result, theyโ€™re not capturing and acting on feedback in a way that optimizes collaboration, development, and individual and team success. Employee experience technologies need to simplify the process rather than forcing people leaders and managers to juggle the increasingly complex logistics of performance and development feedback. 

Changes in how work is happening

How Things Were*

How Things Are*

  • Hierarchy dictates team structure
  • Goals and projects result from the org structure and arenโ€™t necessarily transparent
  • Information is controlled at the top and disseminated downward
  • People are rewarded for their positions
  • Teams are comprised of individuals who may be on multiple teams
  • Goals and projects are transparent and often drive information and decision making outward
  • Free flow of information and feedback
  • Rewards are based on skills, contribution,  and growth

In these emerging project-based structures, individuals typically work in cross-functional teams with a leader who is responsible for the motivation, feedback, communication, skills and performance of each team. Individuals often donโ€™t formally report to the team leader, rather, they have a separate manager who is outside the team completely. 

In this scenario, although team members donโ€™t technically report to their team leader, they still often engage in informal EX-related discussions including feedback, recognition, establishing strategies for collaboration and achieving critical milestones and determining course corrections when necessary. Team leaders are accountable for the performance of the entire team and thus want to understand individual-level contributions toward goals while also fostering team member development.  

Semos Cloud supports customers with setup of ad-hoc (dynamic) teams either from end-users directly or also from key users / admins of the system.  These teams are used to drive the sub-culture necessary to be successful, so they are able to be recognized, provide feedback, create other "moments that matter", understand skills, and communicate appropriately.

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