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Translate or Modify Terminology

This article explains how to adapt and translate the end-user application, the admin center, and the automated emails.

In the Admin Center, administrators can translate or modify the English language in different sections of the application, the Admin Center itself, and even the standardized custom emails that play a crucial part in everyday communication by sending the right notifications to the audience. Keep in mind that even if you have translated the application into dozens of languages, the out-of-the-box application can provide only two languages that employees can use: English as a standard option, and the language of the country where the employee resides. This information matches the one in SuccessFactors, and if the employee transfers to another country, the application automatically updates to provide the user with the local language option.

In this article, we present how to:

  1. Manually translate the front-end application.
  2. Manually translate the back-end (Admin Center).
  3. Manually translate emails (all email notifications that are automatically distributed by the platform).
  4. Edit different sections of the application (front-back end) and emails.

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Translation

Log in to JobPts and select Admin Center in the top right corner.

On the left side, select the Translation drop-down menu and choose what you want to translate or edit. Here we present the translation of the Admin. Worth noting is that it is the same process for translating/editing the application or the emails.

First, check the language you want to add is available on the drop-down menu under Select Languages. All available languages are listed here. 

In this case, we'll select the German language for translation. If you can not find the language you want to translate in, please contact the project manager or let us know by e-mail at support@semoscloud.com

If the goal is only to edit the application, there is no need to choose a language. You can edit the fields, and click Save at the top right corner. 

Once you choose the language, you are now able to filter the menu by Select Page or use the Search option and then clicking the blue search box.

Select Page gives you the option to filter by page. Pages are all of the features, in this case of the Admin Center.

For example, on the screen below, the menu shows that under the Translation section, three options are available in the drop-down menu:

  • Translate Application
  • Translate Admin and
  • Translate email

All of these are considered pages. So, if you type translate in the Select Page, you can filter these three features.

The second search option is a simple type & search feature that helps you navigate to a specific section.

Once you select the page that you want to translate – in this case, Award Reasons, and choose the language – in this case, German, the screen bellow splits into two columns.

All the fields in the left column are already auto-filled with English descriptions, as this is the default language of the application. Next to each field in the right-side column, you need to add the translation word/sentence.

Keep scrolling down until you finish translating the section and select Save at the top right corner to save the translation. 

If you want to edit some part of the application and change the language, then in the top right corner, select the native language (in this case, English). Start editing by choosing the right page with the Select Page filter. 

  • The section marked blue provides you with information on text location.
  • The section marked red is the actual name/description/message of that feature. It is editable at any time, and you can tailor the tool specifically to your needs.

Email Translation

As already mentioned, the translation processes are the same. The additional option available for translating email is the Preview email option that lets you preview the modified email.

This is the overview of the preview email feature:

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