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User Data Anonymization and Deletion

In this article we explain how you can anonymize and delete user data

In JobPts, we understand the importance of user data privacy and security. To enhance these aspects, we have implemented two features called User Data Anonymization and Deletion. These feature allows administrators to anonymize/delete data for users who have been inactive for a specified period, thereby safeguarding their personal information.

To start, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side panel, click on Administration and then on Data Deletion.

Login to JobPts > Admin Center > Administration > Data Deletion

Image: JobPts - Data Deletion and Anonymization

Data Deletion Social Feed Posts 

  • Posts, comments, and likes on the social feed older than the admin-defined date are automatically deleted.
  • Emails and email history beyond the set date are deleted.
  • Notifications older than the set period are deleted.

Data Anonymization Recognition Transactions 

  • All transactions related to non-active users are anonymized. 

 User Data Anonymization 

This function will anonymize all not active users after the set date. When inactive users are detected, their full name and email are changed to anonymized user details.

This includes:

  • Social Feed (recognition posts, likes, and comments)
  • Sent and received awards
  • Leaderboard rankings
  • User management in the admin panel
  • Reports (changes apply across all reports)
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