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Nudge Users with Reminders in MS Teams

Use the Reminder option to send a custom message to your colleagues in MS Teams.

You can use the Reminder option within the admin center to send a message in MS Teams to all users or only to specific users who haven't sent a recognition in a custom time period. 

First navigate to:

Admin Center > MS Teams > Reminder

By clicking on the Create New Reminder button, you will be displayed a new window where you will be presented will all of the required fields to fill in for the Reminder.

msteamsImage: JobPts application - MS Teams Reminder

  • Choose when to send a reminder - Select the date when you want to send the reminder
  • Create new reminder 
  • Days Since Last Nomination - enter the amount of days have passed since an employee has last sent a nomination
  • Send to All - If this option is disabled, the reminder will be send only to employees who haven't send a nomination reward in the specified time period entered in "Days Since Last Nomination"
  • Send Adaptive Card - attach a card which will be displayed afterward in Teams 


Image: JobPts application - Create new reminder

By navigating to Reminder History, you will be displayed an overview of all past sent reminders with the following information:

reminderhistory-1Image: JobPts application - Reminder history

  • Starting Time
  • Message
  • Days since last nomination
  • Sent Successfully
  • Failed

By clicking on any of the sent reminders, you will be displayed a new window with the following information:

reminderhistorydetailsImage: JobPts application - Reminder history details

  • Search by Status - Filter the items by Sent or Failed
  • Search Users 
  • Sent to 
  • Message 
  • Email 
  • Status 
  • Status Message 

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