❤️ Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Use the Boost Feature to Instantly Recognize

The boost feature will allow you to recognize your colleagues in a matter of seconds.

The boost feature will enable you to recognize your colleagues on the fly while viewing all of the recognition posts on the social wall. The boost feature is available only once per post and it will be applied to the same person which was previously recognized. 

To use it, simply click on the Boost button next to a post.

Image: JobPts application - Boost option

A new pop-up window will open where you will be able to select the appropriate program in order to send a recognition.

Depending on which program you select, you will be able to select the award reason (if the program is created with any) and if it is a monetary program, the amount of points to send to the selected user. 

Image: JobPts application - Boost feature

If the program is set to be send with an SMS notification and the end recipient doesn't have a phone number set in the system, you will be also prompted to enter the phone number for the user.

At the bottom, you can type in the appreciation message.

Once you've finished with filling in the details for the post, just click on Boost to send the recognition.

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