๐ŸŽจ Program Design

What are the Type of Workflows Supported?

Achieve visibility and track approval progress at anytime.  Maintain flexibility to keep workflows as simple or as complex are needed depending on the business requirements.

Four types of workflows may be built specific to companyโ€™s needs and business goals that are easily manageable, scalable, and secure. We can help you create single or multi-level approval workflow, set up approval rules, business logic and customize workflow processes, statuses and actions.

No approvals

If a specific monetary award such as a top-down Spot Award does not have any workflows and approvals associated with it, the recipient of this award will receive an immediate notification in their email inbox and JobPts application.

1st level approval threshold

If approval is required, there is an option to easily scale the program and set approval threshold. It means that all awards below the threshold value will be automatically approved, but more valued awards will empower approvers to decide for the status of the award. 

2nd level approval threshold

Companies have the option to introduce high-value awards that require the approval of the second level approver before they may be granted. By adding two levels of threshold the award is based on specified threshold. Second approval will be required only for amounts within a specified points threshold. In this workflow, when the first approver rejects a request, the rejection is immediate and skips the second level approval.

Specific approvers

To validate the content of the uploaded files, reached goals & submitted campaign, specific approver can be added to facilitate the verification prior approving the campaign. Availability to select multiple users to be authorized to approve the content that is being uploaded for the campaign submission.

Last but not the least, custom workflow logic on top of the configurable options is feasible as part of the implementation.  In addition, we rely on a robust Platform as a Service to run our solution that offers further process automation and BPM capabilities for advance workflows.


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