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Create Core Award Reasons

Learn how to set the award reasons in the Admin Center.

In this section of the Admin Center, you can set the award reasons. Based on the configuration here, the award reasons will be listed if a predefined list is selected while configuring the recognition or the nomination program. For each award reason, you can add:

  • Award image - will be displayed once the reason is selected.
  • Emoji symbol - will appear if the award is used via the Slack awarding option.

To add a new award reason follow the next steps:

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Configuration & Branding-> Award Reasons -> Add New

Image: Admin Center application - Award Reasons

On the screen, you can see the current award reasons with the following information:

  • Title of the award reason;
  • Description of the award reason;
  • Award reason type; - add your award reason to an existing award reason type.
  • Award Reason Image;
  • Action - option to edit, delete or translate the award reason.
  • Status -  if the award reason is active or not;

To add a new award reason, just click on the Add New button in the upper-right corner.

On the following screen, write the Title, the Description of the core value, choose between the default, theme or custom color, then select or upload the award image, Emoji Symbol, click the Award Reason is Active toggle switch and click Save.

Image: Admin Center application - Create/Edit Award Reasons

This award reason will now appear in the list of pre-defined award reasons while creating a peer to peer program or nomination program.

*Note: Show in Certificate - When enabled, a new text field will appear.

By default, the checkbox will be off. If turned on, providing a short description will become mandatory.

  • Wrap Up - When wrap up is enabled on the application side, this field will automatically display the description corresponding to the selected award reason.

To edit some of the Award Reasons, click on the three dots next to the Actions button and select Edit from the drop-down menu. 

For all award reasons, you can make changes to Title, Description, Color, Wrap Up text, Image, Emoji symbol and Award reason type

After making the required adjustments, click Save to update the award reason.

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