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Creating Award Reason Types

This article will guide you how to create your award reason types and use them with your core award values.

Award reason types enable you as a user to separate your award reasons within peer-to-peer, nomination and feedback programs into different sections.

To create your award reason type, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side panel, click on Account and then on Manage award reason types.

Login -> Admin Center -> Account -> Manage award reason types

To start creating a new award reason type, click on the Create New button.

Image: Admin Center application - Manage award reason type

A new page will open where you will need to fill out the title and threshold for the award reason type.

  • The title will be displayed above the award reasons when the user is viewing the program. 
  • The threshold limits the amount of award reasons the user can select within a feedback program when giving feedback. The threshold is applicable only in feedback programs, not in peer-to-peer and nomination programs.   

Image: Admin Center application - Create award reason type

After you've created your award reason type, navigate to Account -> Award reasons to link your award reasons with your award reason type.

Image: Admin Center application - Manage Award Reasons

When you've located your award reason, click on the Action button next to it, select Edit and under Award reason type select your previously created type and click on Save. 
You can proceed with doing the same for all of the award reasons you want to map with your award reason type. 


Image: Admin Center application - Edit Award Reason

To showcase the above, we've added an example of a feedback program containing two award reason types "Leadership Expectations" and "Above and Beyond". 

award reason

Image: Admin Center application - Manage Feedback Programs

You can notice that the second section of the "Above and Beyond" award reason type contains a different set of colors for each award reason. This is configurable separately when creating your award reasons, you can follow our guide on how to create your award reasons here

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