๐Ÿค— Moments that Matter

Create Moments that Matter

Learn how to create and celebrate moments that matter with your colleagues.

In this article:

To create and celebrate a life event, open the Celebration tile on the home page.

Log in to JobPts -> Celebrations -> Create Moment


Image:  JobPts application - Celebration Options

To create a new moment that matters, when you access the โ€œMoments that matterโ€ page, click the "Create Moment" button located in the upper right corner of the screen.

*Note: You will be able to create a moment from the already predefined events in the JobPts Admin Center or create a Custom Event.

This action will open the "Create Moment" modal window.

edited moment

Image: JobPts application - Create Moment modal

Create Moment from a Predefined Event

  • Choose moment type - here you can select from the predefined moment types. Select for example the "Newborn Baby" event. 
  • Moment options
    • Participation range - allows you to define the dates in the participations range. The moment will be available for celebration depending on the dates defined in this range. For example, if you define the range to be from 01.12.2025 till 31.12.2025 coworkers will be able to send congratulations for this moment during the month of December
    • Date of event - allows you to define the date of the event. This is the date when the event took place. For example, if you are creating an event "Newborn Baby" for the month of December, here define the exact date when the event took place, for instance, the 15th of December. The date of the event must be within the defined participation range
    • Create moment for colleague - If you are creating a moment for a colleague, enable the "Create moment for a colleague" checkbox. With this, you will be able to select a colleague for this event. If you want to create a moment for yourself, leave this checkbox empty.

    • Surprise your colleague - when this option is enabled, the user for whom the moment has been created won't be aware for the moment, however the moment will be visible to all invited users. 
    • Send a company branded swag item - when this option is enabled the user for whom the moment has been created will receive a company branded item for their special moment in a few days.
    *Note: Checkbox for sending a swag item will appear only if the moment is created for a colleague.
  • Invite colleagues - Define the colleagues who will be able to send congratulations for this event.  
    • All - all colleagues will be able to send congratulations 
    • Direct Reports - only your direct reports will be able to send congratulations  
    • Company Structure - depending on what is selected in the Admin Center of JobPoints for the selected moment, the company structure will be determined
    Select notify user's department for All if you would like to notify all of the employees from that department that they can participate in this celebration.
    Select notify colleagues for Direct Reports and Individuals if you would like to notify them that they can participate in this celebration.
  • Upload Images - optional functionality where you can upload files associated with the moment you are creating or choose your own images. These files will be visible when sending the congratulation. 

Click on the Create Moment button

The moment that you have created will be displayed in the "Created by me" tab and you and your colleagues will be able to send congratulations for that moment.  

If you have created a moment for yourself, you will not be able to send congratulations to yourself, however other coworkers will be able to send congratulations. 

Create Moment from a Custom Event

Select the "Custom event". 
custom event-1
Image: This action will open the "Create New Moment" modal - Custom Event

  • Moment options
    • Participation range - allows you to define the dates in the participations range. The moment will be available for celebration depending on the dates defined in this range. For example, if you define the range to be from 01.12.2025 till 31.12.2025 coworkers will be able to send congratulations for this moment during the month of December
    • Date of event - allows you to define the date of the event. This is the date when the event took place. For example, if you are creating an event "Newborn Baby" for the month of December, here define the exact date when the event took place, for instance, the 15th of December. The date of the event must be within the defined participation range
    • Create a moment for a colleague - If you are creating a moment for a colleague, enable the "Create moment for a colleague" checkbox. With this, you will be able to select a colleague for this event. If you want to create a moment for yourself, leave this checkbox empty

  • Moment Title - Define the name of the event. For example "New Certificate" 
    • Upload Images - optional functionality where you can upload files associated with the moment you are creating or choose your own images. These files will be visible on the Overview page of the Company profile.
    • Moment Description - Define the description of the event. For example " Congratulations on obtaining the project management certification."
  • Invite colleagues - Define the colleagues who will be able to send congratulations on this event.   
    • All - all colleagues will be able to send congratulations 
    • Direct Reports - only your direct reports will be able to send congratulations
    • Company Structure - depending on what is selected in the Admin Center of JobPoints for the selected moment, the company structure will be determined

If you've selected the option to invite all colleagues to participate in the event, you can additionally checkmark the "Notify user's department" option to notify all of the employees from that department that they can participate in this celebration.

Image: JobPts application - Invite Colleagues - All

If you've selected the option to invite only specific colleagues to participate in the event, you can additionally checkmark the "Notify colleagues" option to notify those employees that they can participate in this celebration.

Invite Colleagues

Image: JobPts application - Invite Colleagues - Individual Users

Click on the Create Moment button

The moment that you have created will be displayed in the "Created by me" tab and you and your colleagues will be able to send congratulations for that moment.  

If you have created a moment for yourself, you will not be able to send congratulations to yourself, however other coworkers will be able to send congratulations.

Created by me

Image: "Created by me" tab - Custom Moment 

Edit or Delete a Moment that Matters

The created Moment that Matters can be edited or deleted. 

Edit Moment

Image: Edit/Delete a Moment that Matters

To edit a moment, open one of the moments you've created in the Created by me tab.

To delete a moment, just click on the Delete Moment button. 

*Note: You will not be able to delete a moment that has already been used for congratulations.

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