🏃 Track Activities and Goals
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Enroll in Corporate Health Campaigns

This article explains how to purchase enroll in a corporate health campaign set up by your company.

To enroll in a health campaign that was created by your organization, log in to the platform and follow the steps below:

Login to JobPts -> Earn Points -> My Available Campaigns -> Health Campaign -> Join Campaign

Once you log in to JobPts, click the Earn Points tile. Under My Available Campaigns page find the Health Campaign you would like to take part in from the list of available campaigns (in our case we enroll in Health Campaign: "Run the marathon").

On the right-side panel, under Available campaigns, you can check the description for the specific campaign.

Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 14-01-11 JobPts - My Available Campaigns-1Image: JobPts application - My Available Campaigns

Note: If you have not synced your JobPts profile with Google Fit you will be prompted with a button to sync your google account accordingly. For more details on this process navigate to this article.

After selecting the campaign, a new screen will open and display the campaign description and details. You can continue by selecting the Join Campaign button.

Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 14-14-09 JobPts - Health CampaignImage: JobPts application - Health Campaign

Once clicking the Join Campaign button, you will receive a confirmation pop-up and email that you have successfully enrolled in the health campaign. 


Image: JobPts application - Confirmation for successfully joining a health campaign.

After you have enrolled in the health campaign, Current and Overall progress bars will be available for you above the description fields:

Screenshot 2021-11-04 at 14-31-49 JobPts - Health CampaignImage: JobPts application - Health Campaign

Current progress - provides the progress towards the latest cycle if the campaign consists of multiple cycles

Overall progress - provides the progress towards the whole campaign

Once the Campaign has ended if you have accomplished 100% Overall progress, you will receive the award amount set by the admin and visible in the description of the Campaign.

You can always check the progress or leave the campaign under the Earn Points tile.

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

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