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Create Custom Product

This article explains the process of creating a custom product.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center - > Rewards -> Manage Custom Products - > Insert Custom product

To create a Custom Product navigate to Admin Center then Rewards, choose Manage Custom Product, and then click on the Insert Custom product button in the top right corner. If you want to edit an existing custom product navigate to the Edit Product button, and to create a new product with the same properties as an existing one, navigate to the Copy Product button.


In the Category information section, choose the product Category option. Only custom categories previously created will be visible here.

Note: Visit Create custom category article to see how to create a custom category 

Also here is the Locale filed in which the admin can choose the location where the created product will be available.

The next section is Brand information

Here you choose the Brand Name for the product and also upload the Brand image.

In the Product Information section two fields need to be completed, Title and Product Description, and also optionally the Product image should be uploaded.

Product sections is used to specify details for a particular product.

Example: When creating a product "T-shirt" in this section you specify the fields such as size, color, branding, and delivery options.

Adding Sections: This is how Label Size is set up in the product section 

*Note: This is how this setting looks like in the application.

Labels can be configured with a drop-down menu (Label size from the example above) or with text fields (Label Quote on your shirt from the example above).

The next section is Price Information

In Price Information, three fields are available Low Price, High Price, and Default price. In Low Price and High Price should be the scope of values that this product can be bought with and the Default price should have value between Low Price and High Price and this price will always be selected by default when you open the product in Redeem Tile. If the product has unit price, in that case all three values (Low Price, High Price and the Default Price) should be same.

In the Product Details/Terms and conditions section, there are two fields. 

Terms and Conditions are important agreements that outline the ways in which users can redeem a company's product.

Redemption options information on how this product can be redeemed is available  Example: In-store or online

In Options section settings for Contact for logistics, activation of the product, promotion of the product, and vouchers for the product are available.


When Contact for Logistic field is activated, after every purchase of the product from a user, an e-mail notification is sent to logistic contact and to the user. In this case, the Logistics contact serves further to inform the customer how to pick-up the product. It is important to note that this filed must be activated when users use vouchers, so the logistic person will have information on that how many vouchers are redeemed and how many vouchers are left for redeeming. 

Is active button, is where the product can be activated or deactivated.

The Promoted button is selected only if we want to promote this product on the landing page slider.

If Use custom voucher button is activated then vouchers can be redeemed and used in the specific custom store to purchase this custom product. Check the following article on how to Upload Custom Vouchers.

And finally when all settings from above are properly filed, by clicking submit product will be saved. 


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