🖥️ Employee Experience

Manager Relevant Communication

How to Prioritize and Manage Important Communications in Your Campaign

The manager relevant feature is a useful tool for managers to keep track of important communications related to their work. By flagging a communication as manager relevant, the communication is automatically placed in a separate section for easy access and management. This section is visible only for managers.Image: Nurture communications app – Home page 

This feature ensures that important communications are not lost in the clutter of other communications, making it easier for managers to prioritize their work.


How to flag a communication as manager relevant

Login to Nurture Communications -> Admin Center -> Campaigns -> Create campaign.

Start creating campaign, by following the steps available here.

Check the Manager relevant checkbox:

Image: Nurture Admin center – Campaigns - Manager relevant

When the camping is completed, the communication will appear in the Relevant to your manager role section:

Image: Nurture communications app – Home page 


In addition to the separation of manager relevant communications from other communications, Nurture admins can also set the number of days that the communication will remain listed in the Manager section. This feature is particularly useful for taking care of clutter and displaying only current communications for the manager role. The standard number of days is set in the Administration section, but Nurture admin have the flexibility to change it to suit the organization's specific needs. With this feature, campaign managers can easily manage their workload by prioritizing communications that require immediate attention. This feature is Space specific.

Image: Nurture Admin center – Administration - Campaigns - Manager relevant

Overall, the manager relevant feature is an essential tool for managers to stay organized and on top of their workload. By flagging important communications as manager relevant and setting the number of days that the communication will stay listed in the manager section, managers can easily manage their workload and ensure that important communications are not lost in the clutter of other communications. This feature is a valuable addition to any campaign management system, and it is sure to make the lives of campaign managers much easier.