🧭 Program Management Reports
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Nomination Program Report

Access analytics for nomination programs.

Login to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Reports -> Nomination Program Report

This report provides an overview of nominators and nominees for a certain nomination program. It includes information about Nominator, Nominee,  Nomination Date, Value, and nominations status approved/rejected.

Image: JobPts application - Nomination Program Report

Several Filter options are available to get the desired results: 

  • From the Nomination program filter, you can select a nomination program.
  • The “Date from” and “Date until” will be auto-filled based on the nomination program duration described in the Create Nomination Program.
  • Country - select a specific country that is active and access the data for that specific country.
  • Organization unit - complementing the country filter, you can select a specific organizational unit to get the results co-related to that unit.

Once you have defined your filtering preferences, click the Search button to generate the results.

An option is available to Export this report in an Excel file.

Image: JobPts application - Nomination Program Report Export

The second tab Votes provides an overview of all Votes of Nominees in a particular nomination program. All the above mentioned filters are available here to achieve the desired results. An Export option allows you to obtain this report in an Excel file.

Image: JobPts application - Nomination Program Report - Votes

The third tab Voters summary provides an overview of the remaining votes of the employees for the selected nomination program.

Image: JobPts application - Nomination Program Report - Voters summary

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