๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป HR Expert Experience
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Create a Nomination Program

This article explains how to create a Nomination Program.

In this article:

The nomination programs enable you to configure an entire program that can be later used in the application to nominate employees for different criteria.

To create a Nomination Program, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the leftโ€“side panel, click on Programs and then Manage Nomination Programs.

Log in to JobPts โ€“> Programs โ€“> Manage Nomination Programs โ€“> Create Nomination

Image: JobPts application โ€“ Manage Nomination Programs

Filters available on the Manage Nomination Program page:

  • Nomination Step
  1. Nomination - if selected, only nomination programs that are currently in nomination phase will appear.
  2. Voting - if selected, only nomination programs that are currently in voting phase will appear.
  3. Final Ranking - if selected, only nomination programs that are currently in final ranking phase will appear.
  4. Announcing Winners - if selected, only nomination programs that are currently in announcing winners phase will appear.
  • Filter By Status - option to filter active or not active nomination programs.

*Note: If the Admin role of the user is set to 'Org Unit' admin, the Nomination Program Page will display only Nominations for the Org units the admin is assigned to.

To create a nomination, click on the โ€œCreate Nominationโ€ button. This action will open the Create Nominations page, where you will be able to configure the different parameters for the program.

  • Active nomination program โ€“ enabling and disabling the program.
  • Copy from existing program โ€“ use this option to copy the nomination program that was previously configured.
  • Under Program Name give a specific name to the nomination program. It will appear in the Nomination and Voting and tile of the application.
  • Select Nomination Type for e.g. Monetary Nomination if the nomination needs to be monetary.

    Image: JobPts application โ€“ Create Nomination Program
  • Under Approval Level select if the nomination will be without approval, with a first or second level of approval. If you choose the first or second level of approval, the nomination needs to be approved before it is visible under the Voting tile.

*Note: For a nomination to be approved, it must exclusively feature either individual nominees or teams.

  1. If the nominees are individuals, the approval process will involve the recipient's manager at either the 1st or 2nd level.
  2. If the nominees are a team, the approval process will shift to the sender's manager, also at either the 1st or 2nd level.
  • Click on Nomination Program Details to add details for the nomination program such as Goal of the nomination, behavior that it reinforces, Award criteria, Tracking and measurement, budget and total cost.
  • In the Nomination Description box give a short explanation of the nomination. This text will appear below the program name in the Nominate tile of the application.
  • In the Nomination Assistance box, give a short guide to the users about the way how to nominate a colleague under the created program. This text will appear in the application on the right side after the respective program is selected.
  • Nomination Value - for monetary nomination programs, you may choose between fixed and custom values. Fixed value will be selected by default.
    1. Fixed Value - Below this option, a numeric field will allow the admin to enter a fixed nomination value of 0 or greater. All employees, regardless of location, will receive the same points.
    2. Custom Value - If the admin selects this option, a "Define Countries" button will appear. Clicking it opens a modal with a multi-select dropdown listing all active countries from the "Active Locations" page. The admin can select one or more countries from this list.
      *Note: After selecting countries, they will be listed below the dropdown with a numeric field next to each, requiring values of 0 or greater. The modal will have a save button. On saving, the system will ensure all selected countries have values. If any country is missing a value, an error message will prompt the admin to enter it.

    Image: JobPts application โ€“ Select Custom Values

  • Select a Nomination Image or Upload Nomination Image โ€“ choose from a preselected list or upload your own images for the nomination. With this option you can fully personalize the theme of JobPts. 
  • Select a Nomination Winner Image or Upload Nomination Winner Image โ€“ choose from a preselected list or upload their own images for the nomination winners.
  • Peer to Peer switch allows you to select if the Nomination Program created should be connected to Peerโ€“toโ€“Peer Recognition Program. This means that anyone who has received Recognition Award will be eligible to be nominated by the recognition giver.

    *Note: If this option is selected then the scope of available nominees is determined by the recognition award scope itself, there will be no option to change Nominees and Nominees. Also, nomination values will be replaced with the award reasons from the connected peerโ€“toโ€“peer program and the nomination will not be available to be used as a separate program.


are users who can nominate employees for the nomination program (for example, all employees or only managers are eligible to nominate participants that will be part of the program).
  • Set up a number of nominations โ€“ if this is selected, an additional box appears to configure the number of nominations. For example, if inserted 3, that means that the Nominators will be able to nominate up to 3 employees.
  • Nomination Start & Nomination End frame โ€“ the time period during which nominations are available (the time period in which employees can be nominated for this nomination program).
  • The user can select/add eligible nominators by clicking on the following options:
    • All โ€“ each employee can nominate another employee with the nomination program.
    • By Company Structure โ€“ by clicking on each of the subโ€“categories (country, organizational unit, job title, company and individual users) the user can get precise filtering of the users who can be nominators for the program.
    • Managers - Only managers will be able to nominate employees. 
    • Upload excel file โ€“ to upload users from an Excel file you need to download the provided Excel template. Fill in the required user details and when finished upload the populated Excel file and click "Save".


Nominees are users nominated by the nominators (for example, all employees who achieve outstanding results in their respective departments are nominated by the managers (nominators) to be part of the program. 

  • The user can select/add eligible nominators by clicking on the following options:
    • All โ€“ each employee can nominate another employee with the nomination program.
    • By Company Structure โ€“ by clicking on each of the subโ€“categories (country, organizational unit, job title, company and individual users) the user can get precise filtering of the users who can be nominators for the program.
    • Direct Reports- Only direct reports can be nominated. 
    • Upload excel file โ€“ to upload users from an Excel file you need to download the provided Excel template. Fill in the required user details and when finished upload the populated Excel file and click "Save".

*Note: If the Nomination program is connected to a peerโ€“toโ€“peer Recognition program then the nominees button is not clickable as the nominees poll is determined by the recognition program recipients. 

  • Select Notify Nominees Upon Nomination if the nominated nominees need to receive an email for their nomination.
  • Enable Ad Hoc Team nomination โ€“ if this is selected the nomination can be sent to all teams already created by individuals. In addition, the creating of new teams from all users that are added as nominees to this nomination will be enabled. 
    *Note: This option will be visible only if Enable Team Award is selected under System Settings.
    *Team Members Limit - if this is selected, the nomination can be sent to ad hoc teams with up to a specific number of team members. 
  • Enable Global Team Nomination โ€“ Include global teams created by administrators. If only this option is selected, the nomination purpose will be nominating a global team with a common goal, without the possibility to add individuals or create new teams. When Enable Global Team Nomination is selected, Under 'Nominees' a fourth option 'Add Teams' will be available.  Here the Admin will be able to add one or several global teams eligible for the nomination.

    *Note: This option will be visible only if Enable Team Award is selected under System Settings. 
  • Enable Individual Nomination โ€“ include individuals as nominees. In case team nominations are not allowed, individuals cannot be grouped as a team.


  • Disable voting if the nomination program is without a voting process.
  • Set up the number of votes โ€“ if selected, the voting is limited based on the configuration settings. If not selected, each voter will have unlimited votes to use in the voting process. 
  • Vote for person โ€“ give your vote to a specific user.
  • Vote for specific message โ€“ option to give you vote to a specific message.
  • Voting Start & Voting End โ€“ the time period during which voters can cast their vote for the nominated participants of the program.

  • Nomination Voter โ€“ the user can select/add eligible voters by clicking on the following options:
    • All โ€“ each employee can vote for another employee with the nomination program.
    • By Company Structure โ€“ by clicking on each of the subโ€“categories (country, organizational unit, job title, company and individual users) the user can get precise filtering of the users who can be nominators for the program.
    • Upload excel file โ€“ to upload users from an Excel file you need to download the provided Excel template. Fill in the required user details and when finished upload the populated Excel file and click "Save".

Winners & Approvers

  • Nomination Program Winners Visible From โ€“ select a starting date when the winners of the program will be visible to everyone.
  • Display in Winners List โ€“ sets whether the winners will be visible in the winners' list.
  • Nomination / Final Ranking Approvers are the users who can promote the winners of the nomination program. The user can select/add approvers by clicking on the following options:
    • By Company Structure โ€“ by clicking on each of the subโ€“categories (country, organizational unit, job title, company and individual users) the user can get precise filtering of the users who can be nominators for the program.
    • Upload excel file โ€“ to upload users from an Excel file you need to download the provided Excel template. Fill in the required user details and when finished upload the populated Excel file and click "Save".

*Note: If the Admin role of the user is set to 'Org Unit' admin, the Nominators; Nominees; Voters and Approvers will be seen for the Org units the admin is assigned to.

Nomination values & settings

    • Award Reason type
      • Predefined list โ€“ When this option is selected, additional field โ€œAward Reasonโ€ appears and the user can select the available reasons.
      • Free text โ€“ When free text is selected, the user can manually write the reason under โ€œAward reasonโ€ (see picture).
      • None โ€“ When this is selected the โ€œAward reasonโ€ filed will not be visible in the application.
    • Additional options
      • Program reason required โ€“ if this option is selected, the nominators must select an award reason to send the nomination.
      • Automatic feed posts โ€“ if enabled, all received nomination will be automatically published on the social feed wall.
      • Nomination Justification - if approval is enabled, this option could also be enabled. Nominators will be required to add a justification along with their appreciation message, and approvers (managers) could review it before approving/rejecting.
      • Filter by Org Unit - if enabled, users can filter the nominees by org unit.
      • Filter by Country - if enabled, users can filter the nominees by country.
      • Remove Upload Files from the nomination message โ€“ if this option is selected, the "Upload Files" button will be removed when sending this program. 
      • Remove eCard from the nomination message โ€“ if this option is selected, the "eCard" will be removed when sending this program. 
      • Remove Gif from the nomination message โ€“ if this option is selected, the "Gif" function will be removed when sending this program. 

    In the end, Save the changes when finished.

    If this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.