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Manage Approval Threshold

This article guides you on how to manage approval thresholds depending on the reward value.

For monetary peer-to-peer programs, you have the possibility to set an approval level so that the recognition sender's or recipient's manager approves the recognition.

As previously seen in the Create Monetary Program article, approval can be set with the Approval level dropdown with two possible values (1 and 2). And depending on the approval level choice, the threshold checkbox is presented as below:

Image: JobPts application - Approvals & Controls

The option Automatically approve below threshold will appear if the user selects approval level 1.

If the user selects approval level 2, an additional checkbox should appear after the Automatically approve below threshold checkbox, as seen in the image below:

Image: JobPts application - Approvals & Controls

When two approval levels are selected, and related Threshold values are added, the following rules apply:

  • The Value in First threshold approval signify every recognition value below that it's automatically approved by first manager.
  • The Value in Second threshold approval signify every recognition value below that it's automatically approved only by second manager.
  • Award with values between 'First approval level threshold' and 'Second approval level threshold' require 1st level manager approval only. 

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