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Create Spot Award

This article will guide you on how to create a Spot Award through JobPts.

Spot award is designed for managers to recognize employees who provided exceptional effort in completing specific tasks or projects. This program is generally used for a special contribution accomplished over a relatively short time period. A Spot Award lets employees know that someone has noticed their noteworthy contribution. At the same time, it recognizes and reinforces the behaviors and values that are important.

To create a Spot Award, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application and follow the steps below:

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Programs -> Manage Peer To Peer Programs -> Create New Program -> Submit

On the left-side panel, select Programs, go to Manage Peer to Peer Programs and click on the Create New Program button.

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 12-36-25 Manage Peer To Peer ProgramsImage: JobPts application - Manage Peer To Peer Program

Once a new window opens, enter the required Program Details which will be visible to the managers to get a full understanding of the Spot Award. This is Monetary Recognition Program. In our screen capture below, you can see an example that you can use as a guide:

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 15-32-41 Create New ProgramImage: JobPts application - Create New Program

*Note: For the purpose of this article we have named the award "Above and Beyond Award".

For Program Participants, you will set the fields to reflect the Spot Award goal.

The Program sender field should be set to Managers, as this award is for the managers to reward their employees. And Program recipient field can be set to any of the available values depending on the company structure (in our case we advise it to be Only Direct Reports). Select the Organizational Unit for the Managers that you wish to access this award.

Also, it's important to set the Budget value to Manager Budget Overall for which the approval level is always 0. To learn more about different budget definitions and how are those set please read the following article.

You can limit the number of times a single user can be recognized with the same program per year user by selecting the "Annual limit of recognitions received per user" option.

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 16-03-39 Create New ProgramImage: JobPts application - Create New Program

The Program values & Settings can be adjusted per your requirements

Screenshot 2021-10-07 at 16-15-28 Create New ProgramImage: JobPts application - Create New Program

For a more detailed explanation of the general creation of Monetary Peer To Peer programs please check the following article.

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

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