👥 User and Team Management
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(De)activate Users

This article will help you understand how to manually activate and deactivate users in the platform. 

JobPts is an application that allows integration with SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and other systems and can sync and extract a different type of employee data so you can get all the data up to date.

With this in mind, you can automatically by syncing or manually disable users in the application.

To start, log in to the Admin Center of the JobPts application. From the left-side panel, click on Users and then on Manage Users.

Manage Users gives you an opportunity to check all the details for each user as well as change their status in the application. 

Log in to JobPts -> Admin Center -> Users -> Manage Users -> Active/Not Active

To start, log in to JobPts homepage and click on the Admin Center.

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 12-15-39 JobPtsImage: JobPts application - Admin Center

Select Users option on the left side and then click on Manage Users.

A new window will appear with the following information:
  • Full name of the user, 
    • Username, Email, Status, Organizational unit, Job title, Company code, and Country.
  • Filters:
    • Search users, Country and Active/Not active users.

Screenshot 2021-10-05 at 12-21-01 Manage UsersImage: JobPts application - Manage Users 

To deactivate or activate a user, click on the Active or Not Active status button next to each employee to change their status. According to your choice, the user will have or will no longer have access to the application.

The admin may modify the status itself, however the status will change automatically based on user synchronization.

There is option for bulk activation/deactivation of users to learn about it read this article Bulk Upload of Users.

Please review our comprehensive step by step video guide:

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