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Use the Social Feed

Follow all the recognition activities in your company

The social feed is providing live updates of recognition activities in your JobPts application within the company. By default, It includes all published recognitions but depending on administrator settings it can contain other activities (programs) also.

JobPts - Home

Image: JobPts application - Social feed

Recognitions are the default feed posts found in the Social Feed, but other activities can also be added by managing the Social Feed Configuration in the admin center.  There are available filters for sorting results, Global filter is set by default while others can be managed under Filter Settings in Social Feed Configuration in the admin center. Visit this article to see how to manage what will be posted in the social feed and also filters for Social feed.

The filter functionality provides users with advanced options to refine their search and find specific information within the system. Users can input various criteria to narrow down results and obtain more targeted information. Below is an overview of the available filter criteria and their corresponding fields:

  • Recognition Type & Program:
    • Program Type: Choose from Recognition, Celebration, Nomination, Campaigns or Feedback programs.
    • Program Name: Select a specific program from the available options.
    • Award Reason: Select the award reason for which you want to filter the received recognitions on the social feed.
  • Media and Content:
    • Attachments: Filter by posts with attachments.
    • Ecards: Filter by posts with eCards.
    • GIFs: Filter by posts containing GIFs.
    • Only Text Posts: Filter by posts that only contain text.
  • Time and Date:
    • Today: Filter posts created on the current day.
    • This Week: Filter posts created within the current week.
    • This Month: Filter posts created within the current month.
    • Custom Date: Specify a custom date range for more granular filtering.
  • Organization & Teams:
    • Global: Filter posts across the entire organization.
    • My Posts: Filter posts received by the logged-in user.
    • My Team: Filter posts where the logged-in user is part of a team recognition.
    • Department: Filter posts based on the selected department.
    • Division: Filter posts within the specified division.
    • Location: Filter posts by the designated location.
  • Interaction and Engagement:
    • Sort By: Arrange posts based on the sorting criteria - Newest, Oldest, or Trending.
    • Search by Employee Name: Input a specific employee's name to search for posts related to that individual.

JobPts - Home FilterImage: JobPts application - Global filter

In each post, users have the opportunity to react on a post, comment or reply to a comment on a particular award, including several emojis to choose from. 

Image: JobPts application - Post options

To reply to a comment, simply click on the Reply button and a new tab will open right up where you can write your comment. 

Image: JobPts application - Reply to a comment

Monetary awards can also be boosted by users which are eligible to send the monetary awards, i.e., if you agree with the posted recognition you can send the same recognition.
You can read more on how to use the Boost option here.

If you've received an award containing eCard, you will be able to extend it with the message received by clicking on the Show More button.Show More

Video: JobPts application - E-card

If you've received multiple files from a user, you can extend them by clicking on the Show more button. By clicking on each image separately, you will be able to extend it to full screen. Thank you

Video: JobPts application - Multiple files

If you've received a GIF from a person, you can extend it alongside the message sent by clicking on the Show more button. Giff

Video: JobPts application - GIF

If you open the Awards ready to be published tile, you will be displayed all of the unpublished awards received on your side. You can manage which of the received Recognitions or Awards you want to be posted on the social feed and become visible to other users.

If you've received several awards, you will have an option to publish them in bulk. First, make sure that all posts are marked with Selected for bulk action and then click on the Publish button at the top. 

BirthdaysImage: JobPts application - Bulk award for publishing

To publish an award separately, simply click on the Publish button which is linked with each post. 

Awards for publishing

Image: JobPts application - Awards for publishing

On the social feed, the posts will be displayed as below.

Birthdays 2

Birdhdays 3

Birthdays 3Image: JobPts application - Approved post

Bulk posts will contain all of the messages which were sent to the recipient. You can scroll through the posts by clicking on the left and right arrows on the post itself or by clicking on the View Memory Book button. 

You can delete published recognitions posted on the feed by clicking on Remove Icon.

A pop-up message will follow to confirm the removal of the post.

Remove Posts

Image: JobPts application - Remove post


An option to welcome all users with an image slider which can contain several images. An external or internal application link can also be embedded with the images.

JobPts - Home WelcomeImage: JobPts application - Welcome

To learn how to manage the welcome slider, please follow our detailed instructions here.


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