โค๏ธ Peer-to-Peer Recognition
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  3. โค๏ธ Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Send Team Award

This article will help you understand how to acknowledge a team for a job well done.

To create a Team award, navigate to the Recognize tile.

Login to JobPts -> Recognize -> My Available Programs -> Select Program -> Select or Create Team -> Add Message -> Send

From the "My Available Programs" page, select the program you would like to recognize the team with.

JobPts - My Available Programs

Image: JobPts application - My Available Programs 

Continue with the process by creating a team or searching for an existing team. 

To create a team, select multiple employees as explained in the previous article and then click on the โ€œCreate Teamโ€ button next to the selected users. By clicking on Create Team, a new field will be shown where you can enter the name of the team. 

An option to add yourself to the team is also available by clicking the "Add Myself" button. *Note: The recognition will not be sent to you. JobPts - Select Recipient - Team

Image: JobPts application - Create Team

* Note: the name should be unique which is checked when you click on the checkmark next to the entered team name. 

Once you have selected a team name, simply click on the checkmark to verify its uniqueness. If it's indeed unique, you're all set to proceed with the recognition process.

If you want to send a reward to any existing team, you can search by Team Name through the list of already created teams and find the desired one.  

JobPts - Select Recipient Team 2Image: JobPts application - Select Team   

You can edit team members in Teams created by yourself, and view the members of teams created by other users. To edit the members of the desired team click the members' icons on the search screen and add or remove users from the Team members pop-up. 

JobPts - Select Recipient - Team MembersImage: JobPts application - Edit Team   

The completion of the process for creating team awards is the same for monetary and non-monetary recognitions as found in the respective articles.

Send Monetary Recognition

Send Non-Monetary Recognition

Start the process by searching for an existing team or creating a team after choosing the individual recipients.

Once you have created a team or selected one, you can proceed with the recognition process by clicking on Add Message

JobPts - Add message to the recipient Image: JobPts application - Add message  

Once you have your appreciation message, send the Team Award. The team awards that have been sent will be displayed on the Sent Awards page.

JobPts - Sent AwardsImage: JobPts application - Sent Awards page 

* Note: When sending Team Recognition you can select only one team, unlike for individuals. 

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