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Use as Social, Community Home

This article gives an overview of the Recognition Feed View (or Social Home) in JobPts.

In this article:

The home page of the JobPts application is the first thing you see once you log in to the platform. Users can have two different layouts of the home page.

  1. The Tiles-based Home  (The Tiles Grid View)
  2.  Social, Community Home (The Recognition Feed Wall) 

Using the social homepage that is based on the recognition feed, you will be displayed various awards, nominations, feedback, celebrations, and anniversaries received by your colleagues.

JobPts - HomeImage: JobPts application - Social, Community Home

You can navigate through the awards on the feed using the following Filters:

  • Global, Business Unit, Company Code, Country and Department.

By entering an employee’s name in the search bar, you can view the awards that a specific employee has received. The recognition feed wall also gives an option to see only your posts by using the Only My Posts button. 

On this screen, you can like/comment on the published recognitions, as well as boost them with your own points. If the setting of the program is Automatic feed posts, all awards from that program will be automatically posted on this screen. 

In addition, all key functionalities are accessible on the right side through the minimized set of tiles, or through the main menu.

From the upper right corner when Hover Over User Image you will be able to access: 

  • Profile Info where the user will be able to access Overview, Settings and Help & Support. For in detail information regarding these options please check out the following article Access Profile Info.

JobPts - My Profile
Image: JobPts application - My Profile

  • Approvals - When the user clicks on Approvals, depending on the setup of the monetary recognition programs, if the user has an Approver/Manager role, they can approve, change, or reject all pending award nominations. 
JobPts - Approvals
Image: JobPts application - Approvals
  • Admin Center - If the user has assigned admin privileges, the Admin Center is enabled. When the user clicks on the Admin Center, the Admin Center will open. 
  • Notifications  - When the user clicks on the Notification Icon,  all the actions made on the Social Feed posts such as likes and comments will be presented to the appropriate user. The types of notifications presented to the user are explained here

JobPts - Notifications
Image: JobPts application - Notifications

If this article left your questions unanswered, please submit a Support Form, and we can clarify this topic.