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Use as Tiles-based Home

This article gives an overview of the Tiles Grid View in JobPts.

In this article:

The home page of the JobPts application is the first thing you see once you log in to the platform. Users can have two different layouts of the home page.

  1. The Tiles - based Home  (Tiles Grid View)
  2.  The Social, Community Home (The Recognition Feed Wall)

This is how a branded Tiles-based home page could look like for the employee.

JobPts - Home TilesImage: JobPts application - Tile view

The Tile-based view is fully customizable from the JobPts Admin Center. Depending on the configuration, from this view, users will be able to access all key functionalities such as:

  • Recognize Coworkers 
  • Redeem Points
  • Participate in Campaigns 
  • Vote in a Nomination Program 
  • Ask for Feedback
  • Preview Anniversaries 
  • Preview Sent/Received Awards 

In addition, all key functionalities are accessible through the Main Menu located in the upper left corner of the home screen. 

From the upper right corner when clicking over user Image you will be able to access:  

  • Profile Info where the user will be able to access Overview, Settings and Help & Support. For in detail information regarding these options please check out the following article Access Profile Info.

    JobPts - My Profile
    Image: JobPts application - My Profile
  • Approvals - When the user clicks on Approvals, depending on the setup of the monetary recognition programs, if the user has an Approver/Manager role, they can approve, change, or reject all pending award nominations. 
    JobPts - Approvals
    Image: JobPts application - Approvals
  • Admin Center - If the user is assigned admin privileges, the Admin Center is enabled. When the user clicks on the Admin Center, the Admin Center will open. 
  • Notifications  - When the user clicks on the Notification Icon,  all the actions made on the Social Feed posts such as likes and comments will be presented to the appropriate user. The types of notifications presented to the user are explained here

    JobPts - Notifications
    Image: JobPts application - Notifications

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