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Celebration Experience Updates

Experience Personalized Celebrations, Enhanced Visibility Controls, and More

๐Ÿ“ข Whatโ€™s New

1.  Personalized Service Anniversaries with Swag Item Rewards
Unlock a new dimension of recognition with our latest feature, 'Swag Items' for Service Anniversaries. Now, administrators can select from a range of swag items to celebrate these milestones, adding an extra layer of personalization to the celebration. Plus, we've made it easy to manage by allowing admins to specify the award value based on the type of anniversary reward they choose โ€“ be it Non-monetary, Monetary, or Swag Item.

Where can you find it: Admin -> Celebrations -> Manage Anniversaries -> Create New Anniversary
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

2. Introducing Order Management for Moments that Matter
With the 'Order Moments that Matter' page, accessible under the 'Celebrations' menu within the admin center, administrators can effortlessly arrange and prioritize MTM types on application site. From now on, admins can set up the order for the appearance of active moments. 

Where can you find it: Admin center -> Celebrations -> 'Moments That Matter'
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: If you would like more in-depth information, please
see our knowledge base article.  

๐Ÿ”ง Enhancements

1.Control Home Page Slider Display

Flexibility to fine-tune your slider's content. In the 'Moment Type Details' section, we've added a toggle labeled 'Include in Home page Slider'. By default, this toggle is set to 'On', ensuring that your moment types are elegantly showcased on the Home Page Slider. Admins can effortlessly switch the toggle 'Off' when needed, allowing you to curate which moment types make a grand appearance on the slider and which stay behind the scenes.

    Where can you find it: Admin -> Celebrations -> Manage Moment That Matters -> Create New -> 'Include in Home page Slider'
    Accessible for user type: Admin
    Reference documentation: If you would like more in-depth information, please
    see our knowledge base article.

    2. Enhanced Visibility Control for Moments in Application
    Introducing an improved feature for moment visibility on the application site. Now, when creating moments for colleagues, users can choose 'Surprise your colleague' for delayed visibility until the event date. Moments created for oneself will remain visible immediately. Admins have control over default settings for certain occasions, while users retain flexibility for custom moments.

    Where can you find it: Application -> Celebrations -> Create Moment
    Accessible for user type: All Users
    Reference documentation: If you would like more in-depth information, please
    see our knowledge base article

    3. Moment Customization with Additional Options
    In the 'Manage Moment Types' section during moment type creation and editing, we've introduced 'Additional Options.' Now, you have the power to customize different moment types to your exact specifications by selecting whether to remove upload files, eCard, or GIF functionalities. These enhancements enable you to craft moments that are not only impactful but also perfectly aligned with your audience's preferences and needs.

    Where can you find it: Admin -> Celebrations -> 'Manage Moments That Matter' - > Create New -> 'Additional Options.'
    Accessible for user type: Admin
    Reference documentation: For more details, check out our article

    4. Flexible Celebration Page Options
    In the  System Settings page, we are introducing improved options for configuring the Celebration Page. Admins can now choose between two distinct views: 'Tiles View' and 'Interactive Celebration Page,' each tailored to specific needs.

    - Tiles View: This view is designed for clients that need to limit moment creation. Admins can configure this view to display only birthday, anniversary, and new hire moments. The 'Create New Moment' button will be disabled, preventing the creation of other moment types. Additionally, 'Created by Me' tab will not be available on the application view.

    - Interactive Celebration Page: This view maintains the current interactive celebration page, allowing the creation of various moment types. Admins can continue using this view for instances requiring a broader range of moments. This enhancement provides flexibility and customization to better align with specific client preferences and requirements.

    Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Administration -> System Settings
    Accessible for user type: Admin
    Reference documentation: For more details, check out our article.