๐ŸŒ“ Q1 2024 Innovations
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Admin Center Updates

Explore these features in the Admin Center for a seamless and personalized user experience.

๐Ÿ“ข Whatโ€™s New

1. Potential Fraud Detection

Explore the sophisticated fraud detection measures implemented to safeguards against potential misuse and ensures fairness in award point transactions. Through sophisticated fraud detection features, including cycle detection and favoritism analysis, the platform identifies irregularities in transaction approval and point redemption. By leveraging advanced techniques, we effectively detect anomalies indicative of fraudulent behavior, promoting integrity and trust within the system.

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Adoption Reports -> Fraud Detection
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

2. Nomination Team Size Limitation

Implementing a feature to restrict the number of users within a single team for nominations. This enhancement ensures optimal team size management, fostering efficiency in the nomination process. 

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Programs -> Manage Nomination Programs
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

3. Advanced Nomination Program Enhancements

Now, administrators can implement two levels of approval, providing a robust framework for evaluating nominations. Additionally, team nominations with approvals are now supported, offering flexibility in recognizing group achievements. With carefully designed restrictions and intuitive alert systems, administrators can seamlessly navigate the nomination process. Stay informed with comprehensive reports and streamline communication with automated notifications. 

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Programs -> Manage Nomination Programs
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.
4. User Data Anonymization
 New option to anonymize data of inactive users based on specified timeframes. This includes changing full names and emails to anonymized user data across various application sections such as social feed, awards, reports, and user management.
Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Administration ->  Data Deletion -> Users Data Anonymization
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

5. Seamless NFT Integration for Admins

Empower administrators with the ability to convert recognition messages into NFT Tokens through our seamless integration. In the System Settings under Module Configuration, administrators can enable NFT integration and configure collections. Customize NFT options, set collection parameters, and ensure privacy compliance with ease. With a streamlined process for creating and editing peer-to-peer programs, admins can facilitate NFT tokenization effortlessly. Unlock the potential of recognition with our innovative NFT feature! 

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> System Settings & Peer to Peer Programs
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.
๐Ÿ”ง Enhancements

1. Control 'Don't Show Again' Option
Introduce a configuration setting in the system settings to manage the visibility of the 'Don't Show Again' option on the landing image within the application. This enhancement provides administrators with the ability to customize user experiences based on their preferences.

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Administration -> System Settings -> General Settings
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

2. Email Sending Disablement in System Settings

Introducing a new functionality in System Settings: the ability to disable email sending. This feature is designed to prevent the sending of unnecessary emails in demo environments, providing users with greater control over their email communication. By toggling this setting, users can ensure that emails are not inadvertently sent from the system, facilitating smoother testing and demo processes.
Where can you find it: Admin Center -> System Settings -> General Settings

Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

3. Copilot Activation Setting
Administrators can now easily enable or disable Copilot functionality via a new checkbox in System Settings, providing control over its usage within the application. By default, Copilot is turned off, granting admins the flexibility to activate it as needed.

Where can you find it: Admin -> Administration -> System Settings
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

4. Support Callback Removal

Enhance control over support interactions with the new option to remove callback functionality through System Settings. Administrators can now easily manage callback configurations, providing flexibility in tailoring support services to organizational needs.
Where can you find it: Admin -> Administration -> System Settings
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

5. Character Limit Configuration for Messages

Enhance message management capabilities by introducing a numeric input fields in System Settings to configure maximum character limits for celebration messages, comments, and recognition messages. Administrators gain control over communication lengths, fostering concise and impactful interactions across various message types.
Where can you find it: Admin -> Administration -> System Settings
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

6. Enriching CEO Message: Introducing High-Resolution Image
In the 'User Data Editing Center' page, we're introducing a new column: 'High-Resolution Image.' This enhancement aims to elevate the CEO Message featured on the first page of the memory book, ensuring superior quality and visual appeal.

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Administration Tasks-> User Data Editing Center
Accessible for user type:
Dev Admin

7. Configurable Leaderboard Sliders and Milestones

Granting administrators unparalleled control, this update introduces configurable sliders for the social feed, along with milestone badge customization. Admins can now fine-tune the Leaderboard's dynamic views to match their community's needs. Additionally, milestone badges recognize both appreciators and recipients, enriching the recognition journey

Where can you find it: Admin -> Application Settings-> Leaderboard
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

8. Delete Unused Budgets
Ability to delete unused budgets that are not associated with any program and have no inserted transactions. This ensures consistency by allowing the removal of redundant budget creations.

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Programs -> Manage Budget Definitions -> Actions
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

9. Multiple Selections on Engagement Hub Report

Experience newfound flexibility with the introduction of multiple selections on the Engagement Hub report. Now, admins can select multiple options for all fields, allowing for more comprehensive data analysis. These chosen filters will dynamically update the data displayed across all charts, providing users with deeper insights and greater control over their analytics.

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Culture Intelligence -> Engagement Hub
Accessible for user type: Admin

10. Bulk Recognition Sender Tracking

Enhance the Completed Transactions report by adding a new column in the exported excel file that records the sender of bulk recognitions. This ensures that sender information is captured for transactions initiated through Excel uploads. 

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Transactional Reports -> Completed Transactions All -> Export
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.
11. Manage Activate Locations
Enhanced 'Activate Locations' submenu under 'Administration' in the main menu with a dropdown option to search by status. By default, the view will display 'Active' countries, with the ability for administrators to switch to 'Not Active' to activate locations. Additionally, introduce an 'Export' option to download a report containing additional information for the selected locations.
Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Transactional Reports -> Completed Transactions All -> Export
Accessible for user type: Admin
Reference documentation: Learn more in our detailed article.

12. Nomination Filters Expansion

Administrators now have more robust configuration options with the addition of country and organizational unit filters in the nomination settings, ranking, and nomination reports. This enhancement enables easier management and analysis of nominations across all phases, ensuring streamlined administration and comprehensive reporting capabilities.

Where can you find it: Create Nomination, Voting Ranking & Nomination Report
Accessible for user type: 

13. LinkedIn Publishing Upgrades
Administrators can now specify content eligible for sharing as a LinkedIn post. Admins can define user-eligible options, including sharing sender details, appreciation messages, certificates, NFTs, and personalized eCards. This empowers admins to curate LinkedIn posts that align precisely with organizational preferences and privacy standards.

Where can you find it: Admin Center -> Administration-> Integrations
Accessible for user type: 