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🌗 Past Quarterly Updates - Q2 2023

Delve into our legacy release notes archive for a glimpse into past quarterly updates. Discover the evolution of our products and service over time.

Getting Started Updates
Recognition Experience Updates
Rewards Experience Updates
Celebration Experience Updates
Admin Center Updates

 📢  Getting Started News

  1. Customizable Email Personalization
    Personalize the emails sent from our platform according to client's branding. With the enhanced functionality, you now can further customize the appearance of the emails, ensuring a consistent and tailored experience.
    If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article

  2. Engaging Social Feed Wall: Displaying Published Earn Points Campaigns
    Get ready for an enriched social experience! Our latest update introduces the visibility of earn points campaigns on the social feed wall. Now, alongside regular posts, you will discover a new context of engaging content that showcases published campaigns. These posts will highlight exciting opportunities for users to earn points while actively participating in various campaigns. 
    If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article

  3. Elevate Your Campaign Visibility on the Awards for Publishing Page
    Take control of your campaign visibility on the revamped Awards for Publishing page! Now, all your campaigns are conveniently located in one place, empowering you to curate and showcase your accomplishments. With the ability to share or dismiss campaigns, you have the power to personalize your recognition journey and highlight your most meaningful contributions. 

🔧 Getting Started Enhancements

    1. Opt-Out Option for Point-Based Rewards 
      With the Opt-Out for Point-Based Rewards functionality, users now have the option to exclude themselves from receiving points, but still participate in Earn Points Campaigns. This ensures that individuals who have chosen to opt-out will not receive any points, maintaining their desired reward preferences.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article

    2. Main Menu on Click instead of hover
      Say goodbye to accidental menu openings and welcome the convenience of click-to-expand functionality. Now, you can browse the menu at your own pace without worrying about unintended actions.

    📢 Recognition Experience Updates

    1. Automatic Feed Posts and File Sharing
      Campaign engagement is taken to new heights with our latest enhancements! With the introduction of Automatic Feed Posts and File Sharing, admins can effortlessly amplify visibility and collaboration.
      Enable Automatic Feed Posts to automatically share approved campaigns on the social feed wall, fostering a sense of community and driving participation. Additionally, opt to Share Uploaded Files on the Social Wall, showcasing user-generated content and encouraging collaboration.
      Customize the content that can be shared on the social wall to elevate user's experience and inspire meaningful interactions.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article

    2. Flexible Voting Options: Choose User or Message-based Voting for Nomination Programs
      A new level of customization to our nomination programs. Administrators can now decide whether voting will be conducted per user or per message that the nominee has received. This optional feature provides the flexibility to align the voting process with the specific needs and dynamics of your organization.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article

    3. Personalize Nomination Programs with Custom Award
      With our latest update, administrators can unleash their creativity and customize nomination programs by selecting a custom award. Now, instead of point-based nominations, winners will receive a prestigious Custom Award, making their recognition experience even more memorable and meaningful.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article

    4. Limiting One Recognition per Award Reason
      With this new capability, administrators gain the ability to set a restriction on sending multiple recognitions to the same person for a specific award reason. This ensures that individuals receive recognition for different accomplishments or qualities, preventing redundancy and promoting a wider range of appreciations. 
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base articles:
      - Create a Non-Monetary Program
      - Create Monetary Program

    🔧 Recognition Experience Enhancements

    1. Streamlined Awards and Points Display
      Say goodbye to waiting for sliders! We have revamped the interface to make it even more user-friendly. Introducing a streamlined approach where awards for publishing and points remaining are now conveniently visible together on the home page. No more hidden sliders! With this enhancement, users can easily view both their available awards for publishing and the remaining points in one glance, making the process more seamless and intuitive.

    2. Local Admin Assignments for New Org Units
      We have implemented an automated and proactive approach to streamline the assignment of local admins for newly joined org units. With this enhancement, manual intervention is no longer required. Our system ensures that every new org unit is promptly and reliably assigned to a dedicated local admin within 24 hours.

    3. Dynamic Phone Prefix Filtering: Active Countries Displayed
      We have enhanced the phone prefix selection feature by implementing active country filtering. Now, when entering your SMS number, only the countries that are currently active within the application will be displayed for selection. This improvement ensures a more streamlined and user-friendly experience, eliminating the hassle of sifting through inactive or irrelevant country options. 

    4. Prompt for Confirmation on Discarding Unsaved Changes
      Helpful alert message to enhance user's experience when creating or editing peer-to-peer programs, nominations, or feedback. Now, whenever user attempt to go back without saving their changes, an alert message will appear, seeking confirmation before leaving the page. This ensures that you're aware of any unsaved modifications and prevents accidental data loss. 

    5.  Include Zero Point Option in Earn Points Campaigns
      In response to user feedback and evolving needs, we have introduced the option to include non-monetary incentives within the campaigns. Embrace the power of non-monetary incentives in earn points campaigns and unlock a world of creativity and engagement. 

    📢 Rewards Experience Updates

    1. Choose Custom Products for Nomination Program Winners
      Elevate your nomination program experience introducing a game-changing update: Instead of simply sending points to the winner, you now have the option to offer them a personalized, custom product.

      Where can you find it: Admin > Programs –> Manage Nomination Programs –>
      Create Nomination
      Accessible for user type: Admin
      Reference documentation: If you would like more in-depth information, please
      see our knowledge base article

    📢 Celebration Experience Updates

    1. Introducing SMS Notifications: Elevate Celebrations with Instant Mobile Updates
      With the latest update to our Celebrations options, we're introducing SMS notifications to deliver heartfelt congratulations for your moments of achievement. Whenever you receive recognition from your peers, you'll now receive instant SMS notifications, keeping you in the loop and letting you bask in the appreciation.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    🔧 Celebration Experience Enhancements

    1. Closing the Gap: Addressing Missed Minor Tasks in Celebrations
      From tailored moment titles to extended milestone recognition, our latest release enhances the Celebrations feature, ensuring every achievement is uniquely celebrated. With dynamic image loading, optimized slide visibility, and refined event display, we can now ensure that celebrations will be engaging, efficient, and truly unforgettable for the end user.

    2. Introducing 'My Team' Filter for Managers
      With the 'My Team' filter, managers gain enhanced control over Celebration moments. When selected, this filter allows managers to view a customized list of moments exclusively from members belonging to their team. This targeted view enables managers to focus on celebrating moments of their direct reports, fostering a stronger sense of team spirit and appreciation.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    3. Customize Your Home Page Slider: Choose Moment Types for Prominent Visibility
      Now you can choose specific moment types, such as birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings, to be counted and prominently displayed in the home page slider.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    📢 Admin Center Updates

    1. Social Feed Configuration: Enable/Disable Earn Points Campaigns on the Wall
      To provide greater flexibility and control, we have added a toggle option that enables or disables the sharing of earn points campaigns on the social feed wall. Now, admins can easily customize the visibility of earn points campaigns, tailoring the social feed to align with their specific goals and preferences. If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    2. Culture Intelligence Dashboard
      Get a comprehensive snapshot of your organization's culture and demographics with the Culture Intelligence Dashboard's Overview page. Stay informed with highlights, alerts, and data-driven recommendations, empowering you to make informed decisions. Monitor key performance indicators effortlessly and gain valuable insights into your workforce composition. Drive positive outcomes with a holistic view of your organization's culture and performance.
       If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    3. Employee Tenure
      Gain valuable insights into employee retention, turnover, and job satisfaction with the Employee Tenure Dashboard's Overview page. This tab provides key metrics related to the length of time employees have been with your organization. Stay informed about important trends and patterns, enabling you to make data-driven decisions to improve employee engagement and retention. Unlock a deeper understanding of your workforce's tenure dynamics and drive positive changes for a more satisfied and loyal team.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    4. Employee Retention
      Identify areas where improvements can be made to enhance employee retention, such as reducing turnover rate and increasing job satisfaction. Stay proactive in retaining valuable talent by taking data-driven actions and implementing strategies to create a more engaging work environment. Managers and unengaged employees can receive notifications and insights to address potential retention challenges promptly. Drive positive change and foster a loyal and motivated workforce for long-term organizational success.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    5. Diversity and Inclusion
      Gain valuable insights into workplace diversity and inclusion with the Diversity & Inclusion Dashboard's Overview page. Assess engagement levels and identify potential gaps between genders, ensuring fair distribution of rewards. Drive equity and inclusivity by evaluating whether men and women receive equal recognition based on their contributions and performance.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    6. Engagement Insights
      Measure various aspects of employee recognition activity, including those who have sent and received recognitions, those who have sent but not received, those who have received but not sent, and those who have neither sent nor received recognitions. This valuable data allows you to assess and understand the engagement levels across different groups. For a more detailed analysis, an Excel file can be exported. Drive employee engagement and foster a culture of recognition and appreciation within your organization.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    7. Audit Log Reporting
      With the Audit Log Report, you can easily track and review all actions performed exclusively by administrators. This human-readable log provides a clear and concise overview of the activities conducted, ensuring that you stay informed about any changes, updates, or actions taken within the system. 
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    8. Track Unused Votes: Introducing Voters Summary Tab in Nomination Program Report
       We're excited to introduce the Voters Summary tab in the Nomination Program report, allowing you to easily track unused votes for each nomination program. This new tab provides valuable insights into voter participation by displaying a comprehensive summary of unused votes. 
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    9. Efficient Program Creation: Copy From Existing Functionality for Peer to Peer Programs
      This new feature streamlines the program creation process by allowing admins to easily replicate previously created programs with a few simple clicks.
      With the Copy From Existing option, admins can now select from a dropdown menu of their previously created programs. By choosing an existing program as a template, admins can save time and effort in setting up new Peer to Peer, or Nomination Programs.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base articles:
      - Create Peer to Peer Program
      - Create Nomination Program

    10. Flexible Recognition Scheduling: Empowering Users with Manage Points
      Now, users have the ability to schedule when recognition will be sent, providing greater flexibility and control over the timing of appreciation. With the new recognition scheduling feature, users can go beyond immediate recognition and choose a specific date and time for sending appreciations through the Manage Points option. 
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    11. Admin Notification to Program Givers
      With the new Admin Notification feature, administrators can easily reach out to program givers with notifying them on the new recognition program. This streamlined communication enables admins to keep program givers informed and engaged, fostering a stronger sense of involvement and collaboration.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    12. Report containing all program information
      The Export function within the Manage Peer to Peer Programs tab will allow you to download and present all of the available information regarding the created programs. 
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    13. Configurable 'Notify Manager' Option
      With the new configurable "Notify Manager" feature, administrators gain full control over the notification settings within their programs. This flexibility allows them to tailor the behavior of the "Notify Manager" feature based on their organizational processes and communication preferences.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base articles:
      - Create Monetary Program
      - Create a Non-Monetary Program

    14. Comprehensive Employee Report: Summarized Overview of Employee Engagement
      With the Summarized Employee Report, administrators can gain valuable insights into employee engagement and involvement within the platform. This report provides a consolidated overview of employees who have received recognition, participated in nominations, emerged as winners, experienced significant moments, and contributed by approving campaigns.
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    🔧 Admin Center Enhancements

    1. Enhanced Nomination Program Report
      In response to the new voting options where voters can vote for either a person or a specific message (award reason) received by the nominee, we have enhanced the report to display detailed information accordingly.

    2.  Company Structure Integration for Nomination Programs
      We are excited to introduce a seamless user management experience by implementing the same logic used in Peer to Peer (P2P) programs under Nomination programs. With this enhancement, the process of selecting nominators, nominees, voters, and final approvers becomes more efficient and dynamically linked to your company's structure. This ensures that the user selection process remains consistent and synchronized across both program types, enabling easier administration and reducing manual effort. 
      If you would like more in-depth information, please see our knowledge base article.

    3. Sort Programs by Newest Date
      In the 'Manage All Programs' view, the latest created program will be conveniently listed at the top, allowing for quick and efficient access.